E-mail Reminder
Single licenseE-mail Reminder
2 - 5 licensesPlease contact us for corporate licenses: sales@sven-solutions.com
Payment methods
We accept all common payment methods like Credit Card, Solo/Switch/Maestro, Bank/Wire Transfer, Paypal, etc. You can pay in any of the following currencies: US Dollar, Euros, Swiss Francs, and many other currencies.
The ordering process is safe and performed by a well-known e-commerce service, MyCommerce™, that provides secure order processing worldwide. Delivery is instant for credit card transactions. As soon as your order is processed you will receive an e-mail with download and activation information.
What it includes
When purchasing any of our products, you will have unlimited access to our documentations and technical support. You will also receive all minor product updates for free. For example, if you have E-mail Reminder version 2.0, you can upgrade to version 2.0.1 for free.
Sales assistance
Contact us with any questions regarding licensing:
- Using the Contact form
- Or by e-mail: sales@sven-solutions.com